A new planet has been discovered by scientists whose surface is supposed to be covered by diamonds .
The planet - called 55 Cancri e - has radius double the size of Earths and weighs eight times more . As we know the surface of earth is covered with water and graphite , 55 - cancri e - is supposed to be covered with diamonds and graphite .

It orbit at hyper speed - its year lasts just 18 hrs in contrast to earths 365 days and a temperature of 3,900F
The star is visible through naked eyes but for better vision use  binoculars .

Research suggests that the planet has no water at all and appears to be composed mainly of carbon ,iron ,silicon carbide and possibly some silicate .

Overview of Diamonds :

The name is derived from an ancient Greek (adamas) , "proper" , "unbreakable".Diamonds are thought to have been first recognized and mined in India , where significant alluvial deposits of the stone could be found many centuries ago along the rivers Penner , Krishna and Godavari .

Diamond is an allotrope of Carbon .It has remarkable optical characteristics , beacause of its extremely rigid lattice , it can be contaminated by very few types of impurities , such as boron & nitrogen .

But how many knows Diamonds are actually nothing as they are materials that can be produced in a special oven easily unlike Gold . And just in Earth there's enough supply of Diamonds rocks to last tens of thousands of years.

Fig: 55 - Cancri e

Sources : You news