The modern Indian women have honed their skills and jumped into a battlefield of life fighting against social restrictions, emotional ties, religious boundaries and cultural clutches.
She can now be seen working on par with men in every field be it media, information technology, medicine, astronomy, aeronautics, and what not. Just name them and you would find her working as part of a team or heading a team as do the many celebrity CEO’s of popular companies and heads of business firms.
As women are gaining momentum to join the mainstream men their troubles too are growing exponentially. Many complicated and totally unpredictable facets of impediments face her in every juncture of modern Indian women.
In those days women faced many Social Problems like Dowry ,Child Marriages ,Death During Childbirth ,Neglect During Early Childhood,sati and many social problem against women but nowadays the status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. From equal status with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, the history of women in India has been eventful. In modern India, women have adorned high offices in India including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and Leader of the Opposition. As of 2011, the President of India, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha (Lower House of the parliament) are all women. However, women in India generally are still exposed to numerous social issues. According to a global study conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the "fourth most...